Can you love the product you sell too much?

I know it may sound like an odd question since it’s important to be an advocate of a product if you are going to be successful in selling it.  Although, I’m really started to wonder  if I am addicted to the product I sell.  Can I get too much of a good thing?  Wearing this product makes me feel so confident, I can make any outfit look great just by adding some of these great Jewellery pieces, it  really makes a statement!  I just can’t get enough.  Recently I had been awarded $500 in free jewellery for meeting a specific sales goal, so I made my list, placed my order and eagerly waited for my order to arrive.  Well no sooner had it arrived and I was adding more product to my wish list.  Every piece I receive I want more,  I haven’t yet dipped into my profits to buy more product but I have to admit it is tempting.

This experience has me wondering, is there were people go wrong when starting a home business?  Do they reinvest too much profit into more product.  What’s your experience?

Published in: on December 3, 2009 at 3:07 pm  Leave a Comment